BCC Wag-Bag Program
The BCC provides approximately
3,000 wag bags annually
through these Crag Stations that we installed and currently manage
The BCC relies on great volunteers to check and stock the wag bag stations. See below for how to get involved!
Where we work:
Click here for a map of current wag bag stations
Boulder Canyon
The Dome
Blob Rock/Bitty Buttress
Upper Dream Canyon
Base of 3rd Flatiron / Satellite Boulders
Seal Rock
The Slab
Der Zerkle
Eldorado Canyon
West Ridge
Lower Peanuts
Clear Creek:
Canal Zone
Little Eiger
Wall of the 90s
Tiers of Zion
Staunton State Park (park manages)
Want to get involved?
We need help with the ongoing re-stocking of these stations. If you frequent these areas and are able to help, please email Aaron Friedland at Aaron@boulderclimbers.org to learn more!