Every year a variety of local crags are closed to protect nesting raptors and other wildlife. This is generally from February 1 through July 31.  

The closures help protect long-established raptor nesting territory, including vital alternate nest sites. Undisturbed access to multiple nest sites is important for birds of prey, especially early in the nesting season, to give them a chance to visit multiple nests during courtship and to select a site for the season, free of human influence. Some crags are also closed each year to protect roosting bats. 

As climbers, we should see it as a privilege that we can share these few crags with our winged friends, and an honor to let them have solitude to reproduce. It is only for half of the year, on a small fraction of the available nearby climbing terrain.

Do not climb on these formations during the closure period! Also beware: These closures are actively monitored by land managers. Violating the closures not only breaches our responsibility as stewards, you very likely will get caught.  

As the season progresses and it is known which nesting sites are active, some of these formations are reopened to climbing before the deadline. Learn more about how climbers partner to help monitor nesting sites below. 




  • Boulder Canyon - U.S. Forest Service

  • Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks

  • Eldorado Canyon State Park

  • Jefferson County Open Space - includes Clear Creek Canyon

  • Rocky Mountain National Park

  • Staunton State Park

Boulder Canyon - U.S. Forest Service (Full Details Here)

Raptor closures (February 1 - July 31)

  • Eagle Rock  (CLOSED)

  • Blob Rock  (CLOSED)

  • Bitty Buttress  (CLOSED)

  • Security Risk  (CLOSED)

Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (Full Details Here)

Raptor closures for Falcons: (February 1 - July 31)

Raptor closures for Golden Eagles: (December 15- July 31)

  • Lefthand Canyon Palisades: at the intersection of Lefthand Canyon Drive and Olde Stage Road (Buckingham Picnic area remains open) (CLOSED)

  • Flagstaff Mountain: the north side of Flagstaff Mountain will be closed (the Boy Scout Trail and Flagstaff Summit will remain open)  (CLOSED)

  • Third Flatiron: including the Queen Anne’s Head, W.C Fields Pinnacle, 1911 Gully and the Ghetto, the East Bench & West Bench, the East & West Ironing Boards, The Fin, Green Thumb, Jaws, and the Morning After  (CLOSED)

  • The Back Porch and The Box  (CLOSED)

  • Skunk Canyon: including Ridges 2, 3, and 4, the Achean Pronouncement, the Hippo Head, the Dreadnaught, the North Ridge, and the entirety of Sacred Cliffs  (CLOSED)

  • Der Freischutz: including Frankenstein’s Castle, The Bubble, and both Southern and Northern Dinosaur Egg  (CLOSED)

  • Fern Canyon: north of the Fern Canyon Trail, including the Nebel Horn Ridge, East Ridge, the Goose and the Goose Eggs (the designated Fern Canyon hiking trail will remain open)  (CLOSED)

  • Shadow Canyon and the Matron (the Maiden will remain open and accessible from the east; Shadow Canyon Trail will remain open)  (CLOSED)

  • The Apostle  (CLOSED)

  • The Sphinx  (CLOSED)

  • Devil’s Wings  (CLOSED)

  • The entire Mickey Mouse wall: including South Tower, North Tower, Central Tower, Ship’s Prow, Wall of Shiva’s Dance, The Gargoyle, the East Face and Cryptic Crag  (CLOSED)

    Bat closures (Beginning April 1)

    • East face of Der Zerkle: April 1 - September 1  (OPEN)

    • Mallory Cave area: East face of The Hand, standard route on Finger Flatiron, and all of Shark’s Fin are closed April 1 - October 1 for bat roosting (OPEN)

Eldorado Canyon State Park (Full Details Here)

Raptor closures (February 1 - July 15)

  • Continental Crag  (CLOSED)

  • Rattlesnake Gulch Trail upper loop  (CLOSED)

Jefferson County Open Space - includes Clear Creek Canyon (Full Details Here)

Raptor Closures (February 1 until July 31)

  • Stumbling Block  (CLOSED)

  • Bumbling Stock  (CLOSED)

  • Skinny Legs/Blonde Formation  (CLOSED)

  • Fault Caves  (CLOSED)

  • Ghost Crag  (CLOSED)

  • Highlander Crag (CLOSED)

  • Evil  (CLOSED)

  • Tetanus Garden  (CLOSED)

  • Cathedral Spires in the South Platte (March 1 until July 31) (CLOSED)

Rocky Mountain National Park (Full Details Here)

The Boulder Climbing Community is partnering with Rocky Mountain National Park to monitor active raptor nests in the Park. The majority of monitoring efforts are focused on Lumpy Ridge and document activity from March through July for species such as Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, and Golden Eagles. RMNP is also soliciting citizen science raptor observations in order to build up an online database.

If you are recreating in RMNP and observe raptor activity, please fill out the form below.

Raptor closures (February 15 - July 31) 

Lumpy Ridge:

  • Twin Owls (CLOSED)

  • Rock One (CLOSED)

  • Thunder Buttress (CLOSED)

  • The Parish (CLOSED)

  • The Needle Summit and access trails (CLOSED)

  • The entire Book formation, Bookmark Pinnacle, the Bookmark, and Left Book (CLOSED)

The following formations will remain OPEN in 2025:

  • Batman Rock (OPEN)

  • Batman Pinnacle (OPEN)

  • Lightning Rock (OPEN)

  • The Citadel (OPEN)

  • Checkerboard Rock (OPEN)

  • Sundance Buttress (OPEN)

  • Cathedral Wall (Loch Vale Area) (OPEN)

    Based on 2024 raptor monitoring, it has been determined that human use on and near the above formations has not negatively impacted nesting raptors, so these areas have been left open. RMNP's Raptor Monitoring Program will continue to monitor the sites listed above to see if use patterns change.


Learn about how BCC helps with Golden Eagle monitoring in Boulder Canyon.


  • Here is our best current information on closures not related to seasonal wildlife protection, including parking restrictions, timed-entry permits and other restrictions. 


    Boulder Canyon (Plotinus Wall/Lower Dream Canyon/ Upper Dream Canyon)

  • Brainard Lake

  • Chautauqua area

  • Clear Creek Canyon

  • Eldorado Canyon State Park

  • Eldorado Mountain (Crags directly to the south)

  • Flagstaff Mountain

  • The Musical Boulders

  • Ralston Buttes (Coors Crag)

  • Rocky Mountain National Park

  • South St. Vrain Canyon

    Boulder Canyon (Plotinus Wall/Lower Dream Canyon/Upper Dream Canyon)

    The City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) Department has temporarily closed the Boulder Falls area in Boulder Canyon due to a recent rockslide that has damaged the trail. This affects access to the Plotinus Wall and Lower Dream Canyon crags accessed via the Boulder Falls area.

    OSMP is assessing trail damage to determine future repairs and maintenance work that might be necessary in the popular waterfall area west of Boulder. At this time, there is no estimated timeline for when the area may reopen, and more information will be provided once an assessment is completed.

  • Boulder Canyon (Elephant Buttress)

    Intermittent closures at Elephant Buttress! Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm, Oct 22nd - Dec 15th, 2024. Climbers accessing the 3rd and 4th buttress may experience occasional delays or closures for repairs to the ditch infrastructure passing through Elephant Buttress. Closures are in place for safety and to provide space for the crew to operate. Thank you for your cooperation!

  • Brainard Lake

    Entrance beyond the seasonal gate on Route 102 (which is roughly two miles East of Brainard Lake) requires a reservation from approximately June 10 to mid-October (precise dates depend on road conditions). Reservations are made available on a rolling basis for 15 days later. You may park before reaching the gate and proceed through the gate on foot or by bike without a reservation.  

    Chautauqua area

    • There are additional parking restrictions in the Chautauqua area from Memorial Day through Labor Day. There is some limited paid parking in the Chautauqua area and on neighboring streets. For free parking, your choices are park at least one block north of Baseline Road or use the free shuttle. 

    Clear Creek Canyon

    • Little Eiger- The route “Is Our Children Learning” is closed due to base area erosion that threatens the highway below.

    • The US 6 Resurfacing & Safety Improvements project will be restarting after the 3-month winter shutdown on Monday, March 14. Please expect up to 10-minute traffic holds and up to 20-minute delays through the project zone during working hours.

      • Shoulder parking is prohibited on US 6 throughout the project zone, including between tunnels 5 and 6 at all times. We ask that everyone please keep the cones in place. It is unsafe for anyone outside of the project teams to move the cones around. Cars are at risk of being ticketed or towed if parked in the "No Parking Area"

      • Walking through the tunnels is prohibited. This is not safe as there isn't a designated place for people to walk in the tunnels.

      • For the Tunnel Lighting & ITS project, please visit the project webpage for closure information and further details.

      • CDOT staff and Colorado State Patrol will be present throughout the day as a resource to help responsible recreation enforcement.

    The area West of Tunnel 5 on the north side of Clear Creek, from the Doghouse to the Dyke Boulders (including the Armory, the Primo Wall, and many others), is private property, owned by Martin Marietta, the owners of the quarry. Martin Marietta currently allows climbing on their property. The BCC has had extensive discussions with Martin Marietta and its predecessor, the Frei Family, and their lawyer as we work to secure long-term access to these many crags. Martin Marietta and the Frei Family have shown a very generous attitude toward climbing on their property. Please be respectful of this private landowner whenever you are climbing on their property.

    Eldorado Canyon State Park

    Weekends and Holidays May 1st – October 1st, 5:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
    The quiet beauty of the park is best experienced on weekdays. To help manage high visitation, timed vehicle reservations are required for vehicle access from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and summer holidays between May 1st and October 1st. Reservations can be made 30 days in advance. Reservations are available from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will be accepted in a two-hour entry window. This reservation system is for vehicle entry only, reservations are not required if you are accessing the park using the free shuttle service or walking in.

    Eldorado Canyon State Park Reservation Page

    Eldo Shuttle Information

Eldorado Mountain (crags immediately to the south)

In 2018 Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space jointly acquired property that includes the Secret Crag and Ridge 5, and also would provide an approach (from the East) to crags from Ridge 4 to Buoux Montana. That property is currently closed to all access, including climbing on crags on the property as well as hiking through the property to reach crags to the west. 

The two landowners have stated that they will have a public process in the future to address public access, including climbing. In the meantime, please respect this closure as it may affect our ability to obtain climbing access in a future public process.

Map of the jointly acquired property

The Musical Boulders

These boulders – located West off the Eldorado Canyon Trail – are on private property and are closed.  

Flagstaff Mountain

Parking is banned along Flagstaff Road between 9pm and 5am.  OSMP has ended its program that allowed climbers to obtain a permit to park from 9-11pm. You can continue to boulder on Flagstaff after 9pm, but would need to get there without parking along Flagstaff Road, such as by hiking up from Chautauqua, riding a bike, or catching a ride.

Mount Blue Sky (formerly Mount Evans)

The road above Echo Lake is closed to both motorized and non-motorized (foot, bike, etc.) traffic for repaving and is expected to reopen for Memorial Day 2026. The climbing remains open, but you will need to approach via hiking trails from Echo Lake.

Ralston Buttes (Coors Crag)

This area, also known as Coors Crag, is owned by Jefferson County Open Space and is closed to all public access.  The landowner has stated that they intend to have a public process several years from now to decide what, if any, public access to allow.  

Rocky Mountain National Park

Entrance by car (but not by bike) to RMNP from May 23 - October 13, 2025, requires a timed-entry reservation in addition to the park entrance fee. For entry to Bear Lake Road (including the Glacier Gorge and Bear Lake trailheads) reservations are required for entry from 5  a.m. - 6 pm May 23-October 19th, 2024. For elsewhere in the park (including Longs Peak, Lumpy Ridge, and Lily Lake) reservations are required for entry from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. There is a shuttle (known as the Hiker Shuttle) that departs from the Estes Park Visitor Center, but it still requires a reservation and entry fee. RMNP also has detailed rules on camping and bivouac permits for climbing areas within RMNP, including Longs Peak.

Day before reservations can be made starting at 7PM.

Timed-entry reservation

Bivouac permits

South St. Vrain Canyon

Road construction has been completed. There have been changes to the location and size of the pullouts used to access climbing areas.

Road construction information 

Big Thompson Canyon

The Monastery climbing area closures have been lifted. For further information CLICK HERE

If you have any questions about the closures listed on this page please reach out to