Flatten the Curve - Steer Clear of the Crags

The mission of the BCC is to mobilize the local community and partners to care for the environments we impact as climbers, and enrich the outdoor experience for all. Our people are at the heart of what we do, and we feel we have a responsibility to do what’s in the best interest of our community.

That being said, let’s all do our part to flatten the curve, and stay away from crags for the foreseeable future. Many of us have already made the responsible decision to not travel for climbing, especially to gateway communities, and given the current circumstances of this rapidly evolving situation, we believe local crags should be out of the question as well. 

Climbing is simply too popular in the Front Range to abide by social distancing protocols at local crags, as made evident by reports we've gotten and articles published over the past few days. There are tens of thousands of climbers in the Front Range, and it’s impossible to keep track of who’s climbing where and when. Not to mention the many shared surfaces involved in climbing (holds, ropes, anchors, food, etc...). There’s also new evidence to suggest that the virus could remain active on rock and steel for up to 72 hours (see link below). Obscure and remote crags are reportedly being packed by climbers, and even if you're able to truly isolate yourself at one of these spots, an injury or rescue could mean taking away crucial medical resources and hospital beds that are already in high demand. We owe it to our climbing partners, healthcare workers, vulnerable family members and friends, and community members to play it safe and not be an unknowing carrier.

All of our climbing gyms are closed, Rocky Mountain National Park is closed, and things will continue to escalate before they get back to normal. If we all do this together, it will undoubtedly save lives, and get us back to our crags and our friends and family sooner.

Instead, let's share stories, video call our loved ones and old friends, get creative with our training, and give back to our community in any way that we can. Order takeout from your favorite restaurant, volunteer at your local food bank or pantry, donate to helpcoloradonow.com, go on a solo run, walk, or bike ride, learn a new language, or whatever else suits your fancy. We'll continue to share the most up to date information, find ways to keep us all connected, and serve our mission and the greater community in any way that we can. This is temporary, and we'll get through it together.

Yours truly,

The BCC Team

COVID-19 Updates Colorado

Ways to Give Back

Current Area Closures

How to Support Your Local Gyms and Gear Shops

Climbing Rock… Can Potentially Spread the Coronavirus