Extensive road work is taking place in Boulder Canyon now through 2020; there will be one lane in places; parking in many pullouts, including the dome area at the mouth of the canyon, will be limited; this will include at times 2 hour closures for blasting. CDOT will update their website and phone with more detailed information each week. 720-465-6898. The website/hotline will refer to Mile markers; here is the rough equivalents by crag Climbers will do best during this time to meet before entering the canyon if possible, be prepared to change plans if construction makes it necessary, and avoid making the situation worse with rogue parking.
Here's the list:
Dome Rock/Elephant Buttresses mm 40
Eagle Rock mm 34.6
Cobb Rock mm 34.2
Blob Rock/Bitty Buttress mm 34.1
Happy Hour/Security Risk mm 34.0
Bihedral/Riviera mm 33.7
Boulder Falls/Boulder Slips/Plotinus/Tonnere Tower mm 33.2
Bell Buttress/Practice Rock mm 32.7
Boulderado/Animal World/Avalon/Solaris/Black Widow/Vampire/Sleeping Beauty/Watermark mm 32.2
Nip and Tuck mm 30.3
Castle Rock mm 28.8
Sport Crag mm 28.3