Why you should join
Connect with other local climbers in our community.
Support the essential work to the crags you love with new bolts, trail maintenance and wag bags!
Get discounts on climbing brands and local shops!
Get a t-shirt or embroidered pack with a higher membership level!
Where your money goes
Trails: FRCS season: 7067 crew hours, 2395 volunteer hours, 1448 rocks moved by hand, 1371 rocks moved by high line, 571 rock steps built, 4981 sqft of retaining wall structures, $204,817 total cost
Bolts: 100+ replaced annually
Wag Bags: 1000+ free poop bags distributed annually
Eagles: 1-2 endangered eaglets typically fledged from protected nests
Advocacy: working tirelessly with land managers to make sure your favorite climbing areas are open and well maintained.
Did you know you can also support national advocacy AND the Boulder Climbing Community?
Consider signing up for a Joint Membership with the Access Fund.
Looking for other ways to get involved? You can also donate or volunteer with the BCC!